Since 1992, the Consumer Cooperative of Ukraine is a full member of the world cooperative movement and a member of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). The International Cooperative Alliance is an international non-governmental organization that unites national and regional unions and federations, founded in 1895. Today, the International Cooperative Alliance brings together more than 1.2 billion members of cooperatives, represents 310 member organizations, of which 264 are full members and 46 associate members from 107 countries.
ICA has consultative status with the United Nations, cooperates with a number of UN bodies and specialized organizations, participates in their sessions. The main objective of the International Cooperative Alliance is to promote the development of cooperation between cooperatives from different countries.
The European Community of Consumer Cooperatives is an international non-governmental organization aimed at promoting, advocating and representing at European level the interests of national associations of consumer cooperatives and protecting consumer interests. Represents in the European Parliament and participates in its meetings and working groups.
Euro Coop brings together national co-operatives from 20 countries, including 7,000 local, regional and national cooperative enterprises, employing 700,000 employees, serving 34 million consumers daily.
The SOP of Ukraine takes an active part in the life of the international community, delegates co-operatives to participate in the major events of the above-mentioned international associations, exchange of experience and study of best practices of foreign colleagues.
Mr. Gorokhovskyi, the Chairman of the Board of Ukrkoopspilka, now holds important positions in international organizations: he is Vice President of Euro Coop and a member of the Executive Committee of the World Consumer Cooperatives (CCW).
In April 2018, the first meeting of the Euro Coop Council took place for the first time in 150 years of the Ukrainian cooperation in Kyiv.