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Greetings of the Presidency of the Ukrainian Central Union of Consumer Societies (Ukrkoopspilka) and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine on the occasion of the Constitution Day of Ukraine

Dear members and employees of consumer societies, dear veterans of consumer cooperation in Ukraine!

The Presidency of the Ukrainian Central Union of Consumer Societies (Ukrkoopspilka) and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine congratulate you on the Constitution Day of Ukraine!

Adopted 28 years ago, the Constitution of Ukraine immediately determined Ukraine’s course toward building a free, democratic, rule-of-law state. Leading Western political experts have recognized the Ukrainian Constitution as one of the best in Europe. So far, our country has not reached the undisputed level of rights and freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution. Therefore, we have something to strive for, something to grow. And we are confidently overcoming this path. The main thing is that from the first days of its independence, Ukraine has chosen the path of building a European, civilized, democratic society. Today we are paying a very high price for this choice. It was unacceptable for our aggressive eastern neighbor to have a country next door that is the exact opposite of russia in terms of its development, aspirations, principles, and values.

Despite all the pains and tragedies that the war has brought us, we are now experiencing a period of unconditional affirmation of our statehood, national unity and faith.

We will emerge from this war as a strong state with the priority of human, democratic, and legal values of the highest level guaranteed by our Constitution.

Let us move confidently to Victory!

Happy Constitution Day of Ukraine!

Glory to Ukraine!

Illia Gorokhovskyi

Chairman of the Council of Ukrkoopspilka

Iryna Lopushanska

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine